Tuesday, February 5, 2008

VideoTape; CR 87-90

This is an interesting piece because it discusses several different ideas. The idea of an innocent youth having to face the sad reality of the world is portrayed through the little girl with the video camera. She was simply focusing on a complete stranger in a nearby car. However, the cruelty of another stranger corrupted her childhood.

The piece also discusses the idea of not being able to look away from something that is tragic. The negativity also feeds into each of us, which is shown by us wanting to bring other people to watch the tragedy over and over again. One simply cannot stop watching the complete sadness that exists. This represents that we cannot escape the sadness either. We must face it.

1 comment:

AKM said...

I agree with your interpretations of the story. I also like how you pointed out how it is hard to look away from certain things. I didn't think about this while I was reading it but it is so true and happens with everyone. Interesting ideas!