Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Analyzing Design

This writing assignment seems like it will be a little more exciting that the last. There will be more freedom in how we choose to portray our image or text. It is interesting to analyze every detail of the advertising that goes into what influences us to buy a product. Every single detail is looked at and analyzed before a product goes out into the market. Every single detail is analyzed and discussed while making the product.

It is very true that what we buy, wear, and own say things about who we are. This runs true with our class discussion of the Hummer and the Prius. However, this statement is only true if one has the finances to purchase what he actually wants. Many times, people purchase a lesser item because they cannot afford the item they truly desire.


cehoffecker said...

It is very true with her comments about the prius and the hummer. People choose things for their image but in times do settle for less.

Meghan said...

I also think this paper will be more interesting than other papers in the past. Picking your own object means you will most likely have more to say about it.