Thursday, February 28, 2008

Beyond Words #2 pg. 485

If a cause is truly worthy, it will not be sunk by an inept poster. However, most worthy causes will not have awful ads and marketing techniques. The marketing and advertising of an item does portray the message of the product. I do agree with Keedy's idea because if there is a sufficient product, the good and strong message will prevail over the poor advertising.

In Savannah, there were several politicians running for mayor. I was beginning to become interested in politics at this point, so I paid more attention to the campaigns. One candidate's commercials basically pointed out all of the negativity of the other candidates. This completely turned me off from the candidate. His campaign focused on his competitor's negativity instead of focusing on his own positive ideas and message. I feel that this method of campaigning is petty and immature. Although I was too young to vote at this point, the candidate's disgusting commercials heavily outweighed anything positive he could have said or done.

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