Thursday, February 28, 2008

Beyond Words #2 pg. 485

If a cause is truly worthy, it will not be sunk by an inept poster. However, most worthy causes will not have awful ads and marketing techniques. The marketing and advertising of an item does portray the message of the product. I do agree with Keedy's idea because if there is a sufficient product, the good and strong message will prevail over the poor advertising.

In Savannah, there were several politicians running for mayor. I was beginning to become interested in politics at this point, so I paid more attention to the campaigns. One candidate's commercials basically pointed out all of the negativity of the other candidates. This completely turned me off from the candidate. His campaign focused on his competitor's negativity instead of focusing on his own positive ideas and message. I feel that this method of campaigning is petty and immature. Although I was too young to vote at this point, the candidate's disgusting commercials heavily outweighed anything positive he could have said or done.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Analyzing Design

This writing assignment seems like it will be a little more exciting that the last. There will be more freedom in how we choose to portray our image or text. It is interesting to analyze every detail of the advertising that goes into what influences us to buy a product. Every single detail is looked at and analyzed before a product goes out into the market. Every single detail is analyzed and discussed while making the product.

It is very true that what we buy, wear, and own say things about who we are. This runs true with our class discussion of the Hummer and the Prius. However, this statement is only true if one has the finances to purchase what he actually wants. Many times, people purchase a lesser item because they cannot afford the item they truly desire.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Car Culture

The many different perspectives on design are enlightening. I typically used to think of design as coinciding with architecture. However, I have learned that design is encorporated into almost everything.

Discussing the first article about the Hummer and the Prius, I feel that the author believes people are interested in cars because of the unique designs. Both cars are unusual models. I strongly disagree with the statement "New money is very Hummer." "Old money" has also shown to be very Hummer, especially in Hollywood. This statement implies that the younger generation is blindsighted by advertising into buying a not necessarily great car because of the design. The article also implies that many people like the idea and preach about the idea of saving the environment. However, it is ironic that Prius driving individuals also own gas guzzling jets and use a lot of energy to run their large homes. On the other side, any way to save the environment is a good way to live.

Regarding the Hysteria article, design is clearly used for much more than simply the visual aspect of advertising, Design creates the entire message and idea that is being portrayed. I agree with the authors statement that it is not better to be more obnoxious than the enemy. Most designers do not realize this and will create ideas that stand out even more. It seems that the author has a particular anger towards designers, made obvious by the comment, "And stop pretending you're an artist, because you're not." Design could easily be considered art, especially with all of the visual processes it entails. That there is truth in advertising is an oxymoron is a very true statement. Advertising exists to sway a consumer to buy the product, not to inform the consumer about its details.

In the Christmas light article, the main idea seems to be that advertising feeds off of the "keeping up with the Jones" idea. People continue to want bigger and better things. "Exposure creates demand." I agree with this statement completely. This also strongly influences advertising in that it is bolder and easily remembered.

In the Black Spot Sneaker article, I felt that the creators of the sneaker are more concerned with taking away from Nike's market share than how well their own product is doing. The product and the positive image comes in second in importance to the idea that the corporate "tools" should not have as much of the market share. I am still puzzled as to why the creators decided to attack corporations by focusing on the shoe market. Would it not have been easier to focus on a different market, such as simple shirts or jeans?

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Computer Preference

I prefer to use a PC. I am a business student, and most computer programs used in business are made compatible for PC's. I realize that the programs can be made compatible for Mac's, but that is a long and difficult process. I have an HP laptop. The design is simple. My laptop is sleek and thin, with a simple wave pattern on the top. The computer itself is attractive. The programs are useful and easy to understand.

However, I definitely am attracted to the design on the Mac computers. I think I may be drawn to them because everything is so different about the computers. The looks and styles vary much more than on PC's. There are more colors to choose from. The design of the actual programs is interesting. Everything is different about them from where you click to exit a webpage to the buttons on the keyboard. I believe that being different was a motivation in the design of the Mac computers.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

A Catchy Line

"Go make yourself a dang quesadilla."

This is from Napoelon Dynamite, the movie. My friends and I used to always say this. I am not exactly sure why, because I actually didn't like the movie and was practically forced to watch it. I feel like this line just stuck because it was so ridiculous. The facial expressions when this was said were so hilarious. Also, the character who said this said quesadiLLA (pronouncing the L's as L's), which also made it a memorable line for my friends and me.

This really has no correlation to life; it was just a line that stood out to us and is stuck in my head.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Short Writing Assignment #2

Essay 1 Introduction:

Ed Madden depicts a conversation through the use of metaphors in his poem Hidden Things. He relates human goodness and natural optimism to the blooming and thriving of plantlife and flowers. This poem argues that it is human nature to want to see something that is good in something that has perished, even if it takes a little help from others along the way, by using the metaphors of nature and flowers. In the sixth stanza, a sadness is introduced by the purple seeds and bulbs not appearing again. However, the optimism is shown by the reader wanting to be reminding that the "ground is rich with history," which represents the full and happy life he has lived.

Short Writing Assignment #1

Topic Proposal for Essay #1

1.) 1. I have chosen Hidden Things by Ed Madden.
2. The text's central claim or agrument is that there will always be the good memories. Sadness and unfortunate times exist, but the memory of past happiness will bring us along.
3. The most compelling passage for me is the 6th stanza in the poem. "..what you have done...the ground is rich with history..."
4. Metaphors are used throughout the passage and throughout the entire poem. The perennial herbs refer to the ability of human's to see something that is beautiful through so much tragedy. 5. The last line in the stanza rhymes slightly with itself, making it easier for the line to roll off the reader's tongue.
6. The use of the metaphors and the rhythmic patterns add to the message of the text. The use of these techniques helps add life to the vegetation and the idea of rebirth in the poem.

2.) A developed thesis:
This paper will argue that it is human nature to want to see something that is good in something that has perished, even if it takes a little help from others along the way, by using the metaphors of nature and flowers.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Sonny's Blues-Darkness

pg. 17
"I stared at it in the swinging lights of the subway car." The story starts off in an assumingly not well lit subway. Swinging lights means the lighting is not stable, and one would probably have to squint to read something. Because the story starts off with a dark, gloomy setting, one can also assume that the narrator's life at this point is not full and happy. There is already a darkenss in his life.

pg. 20
"But now I feel like a man who's been trying to climb out of some deep, real deep and funky hole and just saw the sun up there, outside. I got to get outside." This quote if from Sonny's letter to his brother. By seeing the light outside, it means that Sonny is trapped inside in the darkness. The darkness is referring to his drug addiction and new life in rehab. This quote is somewhat uplifting because Sonny can see the positive of the situation. He sees where he should be and strives to be there.

pg. 24
"Daddy was like a crazy man that night and for many a night thereafter. He says he never in his life seen anything as dark as that road after the lights of that car had gone away." The narrator's mother is telling him about his father when his uncle was killed. The darkness of the road could mean that the father now felt so empty, alone, and desperate. The darkness could represent the realization of the true prejudice from the white race. The darkness could represent the ultimate sadness that his father felt that night.

pg. 29
"I was sitting in the living room in the dark by myself, and I suddenly thought of Sonny. My trouble made his real." This quote is right after Gracie's funeral. The darkness from the funeral seems to hover in the room. I picture an absolutely still, quiet, and dark room. The sadness made the narrator think of his brother, which makes the seriousness of Sonny's situation even more real.

Inhabiting and Transforming a Poem - Handout #3

You're a girl
and you'd better not forget
that when you step over the threshold of your house
men will look askance at you.
When you keep on walking down the lane
men will follow you and whistle.
When you cross the lane and step onto the main road
men will revile you and call you a loose woman.

If you've got no character
you'll turn back,
and if not
you'll keep going
as you're going now.

2. Why are women faced in such a negative light by men? My first reaction was of a sort of anger. Women are absolutely not just for men or men's pleasure. However, once done with the poem, I had a positive attitute towards the narrator. The narrator realizes the negativity that some women face daily. The narrator is telling the woman to stay strong and ignore any insults or negativity. The narrator also says to keep going as you are right now, meaning that the woman she is speaking to IS strong and he acknowledges that.

3. As a woman, you have to realize that men will talk to you poorly and think of you in a negative light because many of them feel superior. However, you must ignore this and keep living your life the right way, because you are strong and you will get past the negativity.

4. The narrator is an older woman, maybe around 80 years old, who is full of wisdom. The narrator is speaking to a young girl, anywhere from 12 to 20 years old, who has just been given more freedom in her life. The speaker and the listener may not have an extremely close relationship, but the two respect each other. If they didn't respect each other, the narrator would not have been speaking in such gentle diction.

5. I feel that the theme of the poem is to live your life the way you feel is right and ignore the negativity, because you cannot please everybody. There will always be critics, and the best thing you can do is learn from the critics instead of being pushed down by them. I think that this is the theme because the narrator tells the girl to keep going, as she is going now. The narrator approves of how the girl lives her life now and encourages her to keep doing the same thing.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

VideoTape; CR 87-90

This is an interesting piece because it discusses several different ideas. The idea of an innocent youth having to face the sad reality of the world is portrayed through the little girl with the video camera. She was simply focusing on a complete stranger in a nearby car. However, the cruelty of another stranger corrupted her childhood.

The piece also discusses the idea of not being able to look away from something that is tragic. The negativity also feeds into each of us, which is shown by us wanting to bring other people to watch the tragedy over and over again. One simply cannot stop watching the complete sadness that exists. This represents that we cannot escape the sadness either. We must face it.

Lost in the FunHouse; CR 37-51

The narration as a whole was very interesting. There are italics and spaces where there should be important information. With all of the information, the reader would know the timeset of the story.The narrator described what a proper writer should do or has done. He follows his statement with an actual example of each suggestion. It is interesting how the narrator says what should be done and then accomplishes it. Maybe this is how his reality is played out.

For some reason the description of the swimming pool stuck out to me. The narrator said that no matter how you jump off of the diving board, you will still end up in the water like everyone else.
This is true for life. No matter how people live their lives, everyone will still age. Everyone will face difficulties and have to overcome them. That is just how things work.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Sonny's Blues; CR 17-36

Who is Sonny? Something very tragic happened. The narrator and Sonny were close but something pulled them apart. By keeping the situation "outside me for a long time" the narrator wasn't acting as he should have. A good friend/brother would have helped because a drug addiction only leads downhill. An aquantance would be more likely to just ignore a problem like that.

It's interesting how the narrator used "head" when referring to the bathroom. That is a British word. A boy growing up in Harlem would probably have not heard that term.

"All they really knew were two darknesses, the darkness of their lives... and the darkness of the movies.." This quote really stood out to me. The statement is true no matter where one grows up. The children laughing in the playground is a reflection of the brothers' relationship. The main laughter, which is mocking and insular, represents Sonny, who has not made the right choices and even reminds the narrator of him. The boy whistling stands out from the crowd of anger, which could represent the narrator, who outgrew the rough childhood. It was also interesting that the teachers practically ran through the courtyard to get away as quickly as possible. This shows that the authority does not actually want to help the children.

Why did the narrator give the homeless man money? Did he feel sorry for him? Did he actually and secretly like him? Did he metaphorically want to help Sonny by helping the homeless man? He then feels guilty about the way he spoke to the homeless man, which could mean that he feels guilty for the way he has treated his brother.

The homeless man said "Don't nobody want to die, ever," in response to whether death and drug usage were related. This is interesting to me because it seems that drug users use drugs to escape reality and actually live. The occassionaly death seems miniscule compared to the living while high.

It was touching how the narrator reflected on childhood memories with him and his brother. He caught Sonny when he fell after taking his first few steps. This emphasizes the strong connection they may have had or should have.

It's interesting how the narrator describes their neighborhood. Many of the buildings and homes have changed, which helps to hide the physical damage that was done during their childhoods. However, as much as the physical has changed, the emotional damage and hurt can never be changed or disguised.

Throughout the entire story, major tension is noticable between the narrator and Sonny. This is emphasized when the two are discussing Sonny's wish to be a musician. He is not afraid to try something he thoroughly enjoys and fail. He has great persistance and will simply try again. When Sonny realizes that Isabel's family just puts up with his music, not even for him, but for the narrator, his world is turned upside down.

It is tragic that it took the death of his child to make the narrator begin to understand the turmoil Sonny endured. However, tragedy often causes unity. And sometimes it is all one can do just to survive.

I found it extremely ironic that Sonny is the character that is portrayed as a messup. He however has a huge amount of hope and dreams. The narrator is portrayed as a normal guy with a family and a normal job. However, the narrator is the character without any hope, who actually appears to be scared.

It was uplifting to end the story with Sonny's music. Within music, he found a family. He found himself through the music. Many people hear the music, but they only hear what they want to hear. It was a nice ending that the narrator could actually hear the music and hear Sonny's story through the music.