Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Strategies Notes - pg. 59-75; pg. 81-90

Pleasure Reading vs. Academic Reading
- gain different things during different readings /different purposes
- must approach texts differently
- active engagement = academic reading
- when reading for certain understanding and meaning in text
- passive readers - can't remember details, etc.; not engaged actively
- academic readings
- primary text - read for basic understanding; first text read
- secondary text - outside critics, etc.; helps build wordly understanding of primary text

Reading to Understand
- notice the plot, characters, setting, initial conflict
- strategies to better understand texts:
1. annotation - take notes in margin of text as you read; notes, commentary, responses,
questions; be selective in notes; good with poetry and fiction
2. skeleton outline - sketchy overview that's normally put into a less formal outline form;
best suited for fiction
3. summary - a restatement of ideas presented in the text; concise; states main ideas only

Reader Response
- reaction, thoughts - shape our understanding of text
- must have clear picture of emotion, not generalized idea
- create a "photo collage"
- a visual responce to verbal text; a list of impressions, emotions
- make a visual collage of written reactions; study guide & possible work of art
- helps reader identify patterns of repition & of opposition

1 comment:

Anna Mkhaylova said...

Great job! This is exactly what I had in mind for your posts of notes/comments/questions:-)