Thursday, January 24, 2008

In Class FreeWrite

Heart - love, honesty, beauty, passion, blood flows, life exists because of the heart's work, an essential organ, love is an essential part of life therefore.

Desert - an endless nothingness, completely alone, deserted, have noone and nothing to rely on, desperation, a desert is endless but in reality a person is trapped because there is nothing else, uncomfortable.

Universe - endless opportunities, a black space, cannot see much, stars, milky way, everything together, alone but not desperate, happy for the endlessness and opportunities, excited for the possible findings.

Shepherd - a leading figure, kind and peaceful, not wealthy in a materialistic sense, wealthy in happiness, guiding, goes out to find his lost sheep, religious in a sense that in Christianity God is our shepherd, will not let one of his own go the wrong path.

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