Thursday, January 31, 2008

FreeWrite - Morning's Mood

what i was like walking to class, describe in colors.

This morning walking to class, I was tired, but on top of that I was realizing all the good things that have happened to me recently. While having a recently somewhat large disappointment/failure looming over my head, it's sometimes hard to be happy and excited for all of the good that exists.

Being tired in the morning is like a pale blue, kindof peaceful and content. There is a hue of yellow due to the gratefulness that exists but can't quite break through. There's also a darker blue that exists because of disappointment.

1 comment:

Casey Nason said...

You seem like a very positive person, it is excellent to remember all the good things in life that you have when you are feeling down. To remember that there are people out there that have it so much worse than you, when you are feeling like nothing else can go wrong takes a lot of maturity.