Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Story Questions

Hills Like White Elephants pg. 128
4. Anywhere in the world in the 1920's, men were dominant in any relationship. This type of dominance was more prevelant in Europe and in Spain, where the story was set. This leads to the understanding that the woman would be more likely to agree with the man in this ordeal. Although she may not want to have an abortion, she will most likely go through with the procedure because of the man's pressuring. Due to the Catholic beliefs in Spain, an abortion is not an accepted situation. This fact also complicates the balance of power. The woman is most liekly torn between what her faith calls her to do and what her male partner wishes for her to do.

Girl pg. 146
5. The primary speaker believes that the world is a man's world. Women exist to improve the household of the man and of the family. For example, the speaker is advizing on how to set a table, how to sweep everything, how to cook and grow certain foods, and basically how to act like a proper and presentable woman. The speaker believes that women are subordinate to man. It is implied that a woman must do all of the work behind the man and still maintain a respectable smile in front of everybody.

The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven pg. 16
5. The narrator's dreams signify turmoil. There will always be a slight turmoil between races. There will be a lasting tension between the Indian and the white men because of the conservations. There is a turmoil within the narrator. He was unaware of where he was meant to be. By stating that he knows how all of his dreams will end means that he has accepted that there will always be turmoil. The world will never be completely at peace. He has accepted the negativity that always exists. By accepting this unfortunate reality, he has opened himself up to the possibility of becoming happy.

1 comment:

maurice said...

I agree with you when you said that men were dominant in any relationship back in time. But the reality is in this particular poem the man is not forcing Jig to go through the abortion. he is kind of suggesting her to do it that's why he always says " I don't want you to do something that you don't feel like doing" which clearly means that it's not an obligation.