Thursday, January 31, 2008

FreeWrite - Morning's Mood

what i was like walking to class, describe in colors.

This morning walking to class, I was tired, but on top of that I was realizing all the good things that have happened to me recently. While having a recently somewhat large disappointment/failure looming over my head, it's sometimes hard to be happy and excited for all of the good that exists.

Being tired in the morning is like a pale blue, kindof peaceful and content. There is a hue of yellow due to the gratefulness that exists but can't quite break through. There's also a darker blue that exists because of disappointment.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Story Questions

Hills Like White Elephants pg. 128
4. Anywhere in the world in the 1920's, men were dominant in any relationship. This type of dominance was more prevelant in Europe and in Spain, where the story was set. This leads to the understanding that the woman would be more likely to agree with the man in this ordeal. Although she may not want to have an abortion, she will most likely go through with the procedure because of the man's pressuring. Due to the Catholic beliefs in Spain, an abortion is not an accepted situation. This fact also complicates the balance of power. The woman is most liekly torn between what her faith calls her to do and what her male partner wishes for her to do.

Girl pg. 146
5. The primary speaker believes that the world is a man's world. Women exist to improve the household of the man and of the family. For example, the speaker is advizing on how to set a table, how to sweep everything, how to cook and grow certain foods, and basically how to act like a proper and presentable woman. The speaker believes that women are subordinate to man. It is implied that a woman must do all of the work behind the man and still maintain a respectable smile in front of everybody.

The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven pg. 16
5. The narrator's dreams signify turmoil. There will always be a slight turmoil between races. There will be a lasting tension between the Indian and the white men because of the conservations. There is a turmoil within the narrator. He was unaware of where he was meant to be. By stating that he knows how all of his dreams will end means that he has accepted that there will always be turmoil. The world will never be completely at peace. He has accepted the negativity that always exists. By accepting this unfortunate reality, he has opened himself up to the possibility of becoming happy.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Carolina Reader 01/28

Girl - Jamaica Kincaid
An authoritative figure is instructing a seemingly young girl on the proper ways to act. The speaker seems somewhat resentful of the girl because she does not appear to be a proper women. The reading emphasizes that women are expected to get all of the chores and cooking done. Women, especially younger girls, are subordinate in the civilization. The girl is reminded several times in the reading to not become the "slut" that she is becoming. All of the boyish games are looked down upon for a girl to participate in. The speaker once again appears resentful when the girl wonders if the bake won't let her feel the bread, as if the question is ridiculous.
The identities of the characters are revealed throughout the reading. The tone and the directness of the speaker enforce the authority in the tone. The girl's questions and statements throughout the reading reiterate her young age and childish actions.

The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven - Sherman Alexie
The flashbacks in this reading made the text more interesting. The discussion of the speaker's ex-girlfriend made him appear more distraught due to the fact that she was "haunting" him. The narrator seems unhappy and desperate in many different instances. He is always searching for his home. Even after he goes back home to the Indian Reservation, he is not entirely happy and complete. He is still looking for a job and does not appear settled in his own home.
It is interesting how much pleasure the speaker gets from teasing the graveyard shift clerk. It seems that only when he can make someone else feel uncomfortable does he feel comfortable. The speaker does comply with the clerk's silent request to ask for another item, liket he Cherry Slushie. This brings a reality to the narrative character and assures the reader that he is inately human.
His nightmares reflect on the speaker's unhappiness with the turmoil surrounding his own life. Being Indian, he must face racial issues daily. The dreams about the war between the white men and the Indians reflect his discontent with the situation.

Sergey Esenin's "Golden Grove"

The two translations are obviously translating the same poem, but the words chosen by the different translators create a different feel for each translation. While they both use imagery to describe the hemp fields and the moon, the poems have quite a different point of view. Philip Nikolayev's translation left the reader with a feeling of content and satisfied silence. However, the translation from left the reader feeling anxious in the uncomfortable silence.

Although this poem is not one of my favorites, I prefer Philip Nikolayev's translation because of his word choice and depiction of the situation. The cranes flying South for the winter appears to be a metaphor for a refreshing start for the narrator. The traveling of the birds reminds him of his fun past, which contained a bit of traveling and wandering. Although both poems contain endings that emphasize silence and a long road ending, the russian legacy translation ends the poem with a forgetting of all past experiences, no matter if the narrator learns from them or not.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

In Class FreeWrite

Heart - love, honesty, beauty, passion, blood flows, life exists because of the heart's work, an essential organ, love is an essential part of life therefore.

Desert - an endless nothingness, completely alone, deserted, have noone and nothing to rely on, desperation, a desert is endless but in reality a person is trapped because there is nothing else, uncomfortable.

Universe - endless opportunities, a black space, cannot see much, stars, milky way, everything together, alone but not desperate, happy for the endlessness and opportunities, excited for the possible findings.

Shepherd - a leading figure, kind and peaceful, not wealthy in a materialistic sense, wealthy in happiness, guiding, goes out to find his lost sheep, religious in a sense that in Christianity God is our shepherd, will not let one of his own go the wrong path.

In Class Warm-Up

I. Definitions

1. Close reading is to literally read something closely. The text could be for academics or for pleasure, but the reader is reading the text to analyze the words and meaning. The reader pays attention to every word that is listed and mentally discusses why that specific word was chosen. The material is retained by the reader after completing the text.

2. Pastoral refers to a figure in the church. It is a saintly figure that has religious ties.
OED DEFINITION: A person or thing associated with spiritual care; A person or thing associated with the tending of livestock; To play at being a shepherd or shepherdess.

Mistress is a woman who partakes in sexual acts with a man with whom she is not married and does not have a substantial relationship with. A somewhat derrogatory term.
OED DEFINITION:A woman, goddess, or thing personified as female, which has control over a person or is regarded as a protecting or guiding influence.

Nymph is a fairylike, womanly figure that lures and inspires men.
OED DEFINITION: A beautiful young woman; a maiden, a damsel; A prostitute; a woman regarded as a means of sexual gratification

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Poem Dissecting

In the Desert (Carolina Reader pg. 344)
In a desert there is nothing. Everything is barren. All one can do is look into himself and analyze himself. You are alone in the desert.
The creature, is not human? Maybe it is so self warped that it is unrecognizable as a human.
Squatting is a pedestrian action. This makes the "creature" seem somewhat human.
Holding your heart in your hands causes a person to seem vulnerable. He is open for everyone to look at and see. There is no hiding. This also means emotions may be worn on the sleeve, which would be also unable to hide.
Eating his heart can mean that you're taking yourself in. You're aknowledging all that you are and are accepting of self.
The narrator shows concern. Maybe he is not selfaware or self accepting because he questions the creatures actions.
It is bitter means that he is bitter. He is saying that he is not perfect, that he has faults.
But I like it - But I accept it.
Because it is bitter - Because I have faults. Because I am not perfect. Because I am different.
And because it is my heart - and because it is who I am.

A Man Said to the Universe (Caroline Reader pg. 345)
The man is crying out to the entire universe. What he is saying he wants everyone and everything to hear. Maybe out of desperation? Maybe hoping that SOMEONE, anyone will answer him.
"Sir" implies that the man has respect for everyone else in the world. It may imply that he is a nice person. Stating his presence may be him asking anyone else to acknowledge his presence.
The "universe," which could stand for a generalization of civilization, replies in a formal diction. People as a whole realize that this man exists. It seems that they are asking why should they care, they are not responsible for him.
This reflects on the cruelty of the world as a whole.
I believe that Stephen Crane was attempting to tell people to stand up for themselves and take care of themselves because no one else will take care of them. It is a cruel world, and no one else will stand up for you if you don't stand up for yourself.

The Passionate Shephard (Carolina Reader pg. 424-425)
Let me love you, and love me back.
We'll show that nothing can stand in the way of our love. - seems like he's trying to persuade her.
Physical monuments may be a reference to a possible issue with them being together. Possible family fued? Maybe the poem was written in an earlier time period where social class was an issue. Maybe he is really a shephard and she is of a higher social class, in which case their love would not be accepted by many.

Watching shephards do their jobs - He's trying to seem above the shephards to prove he is worthy of her love.
Shallow rivers brings about a sense of calm and peace. A possible break from the chaotic world they live in. Even the birds would accept their love and sing them love songs.

He will do anything to prove his love for her. He will lay down flowers everywhere; roses, which symbolize romance, and posies, which have a beautiful scent.
He will even make a cap of flowers, which would be an intricate and time consuming task. He'll even give her a nightgown laced with beautiful leaves and flowers.

The wool nightgown is a reference to his job as a shephard. He shears sheep. By using the wool he has taken off the sheep himself may be another attempt to prove his love.
Wants to give her so many materialistic things all at once, as if his love alone isn't enough for her.

If these pleasures makes you happy, as if he is unsure if she loves him back. Maybe the couple exists in a time where the woman does not have any say in who she marries and he is trying to convince her and her family that he is worthy of her. He worries that he may not be good enough.
By asking her over and over to be with him and be his love, it appears that he's trying to convice her.

He is trying to show that their love is meant to be by saying that the young shephards would be so happy that they would remind the world every morning by singing about the love.
If he has proven his love sufficiently, would she love him back?

Practice 6-D pg. 134
The name Black Elvis seems quite the metaphor. First off, having Elvis in the character's name is ironic because the character is somewhat reserved and offbeat, unlike the infamous Elvis who seemed extremely extroverted. Although Black most likely refers to the character's skin color, black has the same connotation in his name as in the title "a black sheep." He does not fit into society and is not immediately accepted as he is. This could be a reference to the historical Elvis as well. Elvis was not accepted by much of society because he broke the rules and did not listen to certain authority. However, he was eventually accepted by society and is now looking at as an icon in music and in history. This metaphor hints at the plot of the story. Black Elvis felt out of place for much of the story. It was not until meeting and talking to the Chinese Elvis that he began to feel content with the situation.

Practice 6-E pg. 135
Grandmother refers to the mother of my mother or my father. She is a mother who is grand. There is a certain regalty about her that is immediately recognized by others. She carries herself in a respectable way, and it would be hard to find someone who does not appreciate her kindness and inner beauty. She is a woman who takes care of others and loves doing so. She puts other people before herself. She is never selfish. She is happy and unconditionally loving.
I'm sure most of my classmates would have a similar definition as myself, unless an unfortunate situation occurred where one would not have met his/her grandparents.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Strategies Notes - pg. 59-75; pg. 81-90

Pleasure Reading vs. Academic Reading
- gain different things during different readings /different purposes
- must approach texts differently
- active engagement = academic reading
- when reading for certain understanding and meaning in text
- passive readers - can't remember details, etc.; not engaged actively
- academic readings
- primary text - read for basic understanding; first text read
- secondary text - outside critics, etc.; helps build wordly understanding of primary text

Reading to Understand
- notice the plot, characters, setting, initial conflict
- strategies to better understand texts:
1. annotation - take notes in margin of text as you read; notes, commentary, responses,
questions; be selective in notes; good with poetry and fiction
2. skeleton outline - sketchy overview that's normally put into a less formal outline form;
best suited for fiction
3. summary - a restatement of ideas presented in the text; concise; states main ideas only

Reader Response
- reaction, thoughts - shape our understanding of text
- must have clear picture of emotion, not generalized idea
- create a "photo collage"
- a visual responce to verbal text; a list of impressions, emotions
- make a visual collage of written reactions; study guide & possible work of art
- helps reader identify patterns of repition & of opposition

Monday, January 21, 2008

"Beyond Words" Questions

4. A genre is a categorizing method that allows the reader to group a text with other texts in the same genre. Texts are placed in a genre due to the similarities between the texts. For example, a sonnet generally discusses the chase of a man for a woman he desires. A sonnet generally contains fourteen lines. Texts within the same genre will have many similarities.

8. While reading Seamus Heaney's poem, I focused on the imagery and details within the poem. The potatoes being peeled and the water splashing are so vivid in his poem. The simple actions retold in such detail help portray the complex and strong relationship between the mother and narrator. The line describing the breath of both the narrator and his mother intensifies the closeness of the two.

16. There are several strategies that help the reader pay attention to details. Being able to identify details is important because a text can often be biased or can be from a specific point of view. One strategy is to always second guess a first impression because the text may be attempting to lead the reader into the wrong direction. Secondly, realize that the author and/or creator has put a lot of time and a lot of details into the work. There is most likely more to the text than can be noticed on first glance. Also, every reading of a text should be given the same time and effort as the first reading of a text. The second and third time of reading a text can often uncover details that were not noticed upon the first reading. Next, one should pay attention to the details and methods used in the writing of the text. How a text was written often depicts an importance to the story. Lastly, it is important to realize what may have been purposely left out of the text in order to emphasis a certain idea or picture.

18. A point of view is a way of looking at a text or an image. Points of view vary from person to person. A point of view can highlight and emphasis certain themes and specific information. However, one point of view does not necessarily tell a whole story.

20. I found the sections discussing the unique buildings and architecture to be especially interesting. I appreciate architecture because it is a form of art. Focusing on the Stata building, the statement discussing the metaphor of the unfinished and creative building materials and the creative and daring work that would hopefully occur inside stuck out to me. The idea that a building's look represents what the building is being used for is interesting and exciting. It is a new way to look at architecture.