Thursday, March 27, 2008


The Holocaust Party
The theme of this story is to overcome sadness in one's past. The story is set in the winter, where the weather is cold and dreary. This type of weather generally does not cause as much happiness as summertime does. The cold setting adds to the theme because it adds to the sadness. The point of view is coming from a man named Joel. By having the story in this point of view, the reader can get a glimpse into what the main character is rationalizing internally. Once inside the house, Joel describes the room they are sitting in. It is a quiet room, which seems to emphasize the akward silence. Mrs. Isabel tells her story with little description of the physical setting. Without any extra description, the reader still has a strong picture. Joel said, "I didn't see what difference it made. We all knew it wasn't a hotel." This was not spoken; it was written in the text. Because he is the narrator, the reader understands the sadness he feels by how he thinks of Mrs. Isabel's story.

No Name Woman
The theme of this story is that shame follows people for much longer than necessary. The story is told by the niece of the shamed woman. This emphasizes the theme because the niece feels shame even though she has never met her aunt. She felt shame after once hearing the story of her death and misfortunes. The description of America, where the narrator lives, portrays the astounding difference between her life now and her aunt's life in China. The description of China portrays that times were tough. The streets were narrow and seemingly dirty. The story of the aunt mostly takes place at night, which further adds to the suspence.


Justin said...

I agree with your explanations and I like that you did not merely just state the theme and setting. You said what each element actually means to the story.

Brittney Queen said...

I agree with the theme you chose for "No Name Woman". The fact that the niece feels shame about her aunt, because of how she grew up without ever really being able to speak of her aunt. The difference of living in America, as opposed to living in China like her aunt did, plays an important role in the story as well.