Thursday, March 6, 2008

My Paper Concerns

I am concerned that I focused too much on the store as a whole rather than on the individual drink. I feel that the image of the actual store adds a lot to my point. However, would it be beneficial to add more about the actual drink? Should I put more personal experience into my paper? I am an avid coffee drinker and have strong opinions on the store, but I am unsure of whether or not that would take away from my main idea.

1 comment:

Kevin Kraft said...

I think it is good that you focus more on the store as a whole because I think people do go there for the image. I think if you talked more about the drink it would not be as exciting and interesting, the reason I liked it is because you bring up the point that starbucks is a chain and trys to set an image. This affects everyone, if you just talk about the drink someone who doesnt get that drink may not really care then. I think it would be a good idea to add more about your personal experiences, it is always good to hear what other people think or have gone through. I think as long as you don't come to far off of the main idea that it would work. I liked the topic though and thought that it is a good subject because starbucks is so popular in today's society.