Thursday, March 6, 2008

Poster Reflection

The message of my poster is that we should be concerned with the health of our environment. Global warming is a huge issue today. People claim that they are doing everything they can to not disrupt the cleanliness and to not put pollution into our world. However, most people do not want to make changes in their daily routines. Therefore, many people support the idea of keeping a clean environment but are not doing anything to actually keep it clean.

I chose global warming because it is an important issue. Whether or not global warming exists, we need to stop dirtying up our world. Litter and pollution are everywhere. Aside from global warming, we just need to learn how to keep our environment clean.

I chose the images of the polar bears because people can relate to these images easily. Most people think polar bears are cute. This type of relation to the animal causes the audience to feel more sympathetic. One of the main issues with global warming is the heavy use of nonenvironmentally-friendly cars. I chose several pictures of heavy traffic flow. An easy way to stop some pollution is to carpool or use other methods of transportation. I chose the factory picture because factories emit large amounts of pollution into the air and ozone. There are regulations being set up, but companies are finding ways around them to keep costs down. The image of President Bush holding a globe is powerful. He is in an extremely influential position. His comment in the picture represents what most Americans think about global warming and then environment changing.

If I had unlimited resources, I would have used more vivid colors and more intense photography. I would also like to put comparison photos of glaciers now compared to glacier size many years ago.

1 comment:

AKM said...

I really like your poster and I'm glad that global warming was an issue that the class covered. It is such a serious issue, especially in today's society.