"White Elephant." Wikipedia. 2008. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. 7 Apr 2008
A white elephant is something that’s effect is not worth the cost. The term derives from the white elephants that were kept by the rulers in Southeastern Asia. If the ruler had a white elephant, it meant that he was ruling his kingdom with justice and peace. The idea comes from the story of Buddha’s birth, when his mother dreamt about a white elephant. Actually having a white elephant was both a joy and a burden. They were sacred creatures. However, they were considered sacred animals. They could not be put to labor, and that is why they were a burden. This helps me understand the story better because I can relate the title to the actual story. I now understand how the characters feel about the unborn child. The reference to the hills that look like white elephants is more relevant in the story now.
Cooper, Michael. "The Writing Style of Hemingway." EzineArticles 12 September 2005. 07 April 2008 <http://ezinearticles.com/?The-Writing-Style-of-Hemingway&id=70613>.
Ernest Hemingway was born in a small town, where he lived for quite some time. This adds to my understanding of the story because he describes in detail only one conversation. He is writing about a circumstance that could occur anywhere and can affect all types of people. In 1937, Hemingway moved to Spain to write for a paper about the Spanish Civil War. The country was not at peace. He saw this firsthand. The history of the area relates to the conflict between the couple. They are in a deep relationship, but they cannot meet eye to eye. Hemingway was not fond of his mother. He is said to have portrayed his female characters in a masculine way because of this. They almost always have to face terrible situations, such as a possible abortion.
Devost, Nadine. "Hemingway's girls: unnaming and renaming Hemingway's female characters ." The Hemingway Review Vol. 14(1994) 07 April 2008
It is noticed that Hemingway names his women in order to pinpoint where they stand in the relationship. Most often the actual name is a noun that goes along with modifiers to make clear the woman’s standing. Hemingway will also constantly use ambiguous terms, like girl and woman. He switches back and forth throughout the story to coincide with how the relationship unfolds in the story. This information helps me better understand where Jig stands in the relationship. When she is mentioned as “the girl,” it is understood that at that point she is submissive to the man or she is simply not strong at that point. When her actual name is used, the character is given more importance in her upcoming decision and in the relationship. One definition for a jig is a machine that guides. This idea could be true for the character as well.
David, Henry P.. "Abortion in Europe, 1920-91: A Public Health Perspective." Population Council Vol. 23, No. 1(1992) 1-22. 08 April 2008
Abortion is a heavy topic among public health issues. In Europe, where abortions were more predominant in earlier years, whether the surgical procedure was safe was a topic of huge discussion. Russia was the first country to legalize abortion in the 1920’s. They did this to better equalize gender, but they eventually made abortion illegal again in the 1930’s. Soon after, other countries in Europe began legalizing abortion. There were no statistics on Spain’s stance during the 1920’s, which is when the story took place. However, if both the woman and man were American, this would explain why they were in Spain. It would be easier for them to have an abortion performed there.
Kimbell, Max. "All Experts." U.S. History > 1920's Railway Travel. 19 January 2004. 7 Apr 2008
During the 1920’s train travel was very luxurious. It was not, however, very expensive. Of course, there were also different options for different prices. Almost everybody, despite social and economic state, relied on trains as transportation. The couple relied on the train for transportation in Spain. This may imply that the couple was of a slightly higher economical standing because trains were a luxury in the 1920’s. It was a somewhat glamorous way of transportation. This helps me understand the story because I can better picture the characters. I have a better understanding of the characters because I know more about them than just a sliver in time.
"Roaring Twenties." Wikipedia. 2008. 7 Apr 2008
The Roaring 20’s was a time when everything began to change. Traditions were broken. New ideas were accepted. This episode in history occurred after a major war, World War I. Art, music, clothing, and lifestyles were completely changing. Everybody was having a good time during the “crazy years.” The Great Depression in 1929 ended the fun. It brought people back to reality in a sense. The entire story is a metaphor for the American culture during the 1920’s. There is a time of great fun and passion. However, consequences catch up with everybody. For whatever reason, carelessness or even bad luck, things change for the worse and decisions must be made. The couple had their fun, but now they much face a huge, earth-shattering decision. This period of history also explains why the man is slightly overbearing of the situation. He realizes that a mistake has been made and wants to get things back into order, just like the United States government focused on fixing the mistake.
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