Monday, April 21, 2008

A Cold Coming

-Birth and death seem to go together. With the death of something, there is generally a new birth soon to follow. With the death of winter, spring soon follows with a refreshing new birth of all of the plants and trees. War can turn into a complete destruction, especially with atomic and nuclear bombs. The idea of birth and death went with the war because of the soldiers that saved their sperm. They knew they were going to die so they saved their sperm in hopes that a new life would come from it.

-The idea of saving sperm is not the nicest thought, especially when people are saving their sperm in their flasks. This portrays that the soldiers had nothing else to save it in, no proper way of saving sperm. Also, the idea of saving one's sperm seems like a last resort. The situation must have gotten so bad that the soldiers wanted to do something to attempt to live in some way.

-A poet is so much more understanding to one's feelings. A poet could understand the dead soldier and what he was trying to say. The poet understood what the soldier wanted to say. A journalist focuses more on the facts of the situation. The journalist would have simply noted that there was another charred soldier. The poet took the time to actually look at the soldier and figure out his story.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Class Work

Lion - A lion is a strong animal that must hunt for its food. They are catlike, but much larger. A lion has a loud roar and is thought of as the king of the jungle. They are tan in color and have a slightly long tail. All adult males have a mane surrounding their head.

Lioness - A lioness is a female lion. They are similar in appearance to males, but they are slightly smaller and do not have a mane. They are sometimes lighter in color also. Lionesses hunt for the food also and protect the lion cubs.

Unnaming Review
The interpretation on the blog is great. I strongly agree with his points, that stereotypes are awful. Respect should be gained, not deserved because of a title. A name and part of an identity does not mean any person is better than another. What matters is what that person does with that identity and how they fulfill a title. I was not placed in this mindset after reading the story though. Yes, everything in our society has a name and has some sort of identity. The naming of animals does not stereotype them the same way identities stereotype humans.

Interview Reaction
It is interesting that this story was originally meant as somewhat of a joke. Her thoughts on the use of wording to cover up truth was something I've never thought of before. The "body count" term and "friendly fire" explanation does make sense in that the words do not sound as awful as the truth in the description. I better understand the story after reading this interview. She wants to free the animals from the control of an identity so that they can be free.

Unnaming the Magi's Cold..

She Unnames Them
I had a hard time figuring out what this story was actually about. It seems to be about breaking a habit. It is habit to call animals by their names, but who gave the animals their names? And what authority does "she" have to unname them? The story was cute in that certain animals' characteristics were portrayed. The reader can relate to their experiences with household animals by how they would respond to being unnamed.

Journey of the Magi
The many descriptions in the story help the reader picture the magi's hard journey. People were unfriendly and not helpful. Their sleeping area was not consistent and unpleasant. I felt sympathy for the narrator. The situation was so bad that they decided it would be better to keep traveling instead of sleeping. There are many religious references. T. S. Elliot is known for his allusions to the Bible and Christianity, and his works were always interesting because of this. He is discussing the pagans when he talks about the alien people. The narrator seems fed up with people that have not accepted Jesus. When the narrator speaks of another death, I think he is referring to Jesus' death. I think that he cannot wait for them to be saved by His death because they are sinning by "clutching" their false gods.

A Cold Coming
This story is interesting to read, especially with the recent event of a wife getting her dead husband's body. She had to have a lawsuit so that she could freeze some of his sperm, which would most likely not impregnate her anyway. This story plays on the idea of life and death. The soldiers saved their sperm in hopes of a new life after they die. The narrator might be in Saddam's army. That would explain why he was asking for forgiveness and a pardon.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Greek Mythology

Siren Song
The narrator of this poem assumes that people are jealous of the sirens, that people are jealous of the ability to have people kill themselves just to get a glimpse of their "beauty." This is also assuming that people are jealous that the sirens must live a life of solitude. Everyone they attract ends up dead. Maybe the knowledge of the song is desirable because nobody knows the song. It is desirable because it is intangible and out of reach. This peom is from a different perspective than expected because most people view sirens as content creatures. This siren, however, is not happy. Her words become pessimistic to emphasize her unhappiness living this life of solitude. This peom makes sirens appear helpless because everybody who hears their cry of help ends up dying. Nobody interprets the song as a cry for help, but instead as a seduction call. Why does the author say that this song works? This line seems to go against the rest of the poem. Wouldn't the song NOT work because it is a cry for help and nobody can help them?

This story was a little bit hard to follow. I've read the story of Ulysses several times before, and it is an interesting story. The narrator notes at the beginning of the story that an idle king does not benefit his people. Ulysses has not appeared in any way like an idle king in any interpretation of the story. Other parts of the poem, such as mentioning having a hungry heart and mentioning that he has experienced a lot and remembers it all while fighting, are all qualities of a good king. Ulysses is proud of his son, who has different qualities and strengths as his father but will also succeed. The narrator also mentions that it is never too late to make a change in something. Even when the end of the day is approaching, or older age has hit, one can always change something for the better. This poem appears to be narrated by Ulysses in an older age.

Leda and the Swan
It is interesting that Zeus would take swan form to be able to have his way with a human. Why would he not just take human form? The girl that is described appears to be helpless. The swan seems to be the dominant figure, also a somewhat protecting figure. The burning roof and tower and the broken wall represent the unfaithful wife of Agamemnon. All of those images cause destruction, just as unfaithfulness does.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Essay #3 Introduction

The writing of every single story, poem, and essay is influenced by something, whether the influence is an author’s life, cultural experiences, or even the author’s outlook on a situation. In order to better understand the text, the reader must understand these influences. In Hemingway’s Hills like White Elephants, there were many influences. Although the couple was not in America at the time, one must understand the Great Depression and American history during the 1920’s to understand the tough decisions and lifestyle choices people had to make. One must understand the title, white elephants, and why an animal relates to a story about abortion. The reader must know that white elephants are both a blessing and a curse. Hemingway used his story to ambivalently discuss politics while also introducing an issue that many people deal with.

Essay #3 Proposal

Hills like White Elephants is a story full of strong metaphors. One cannot fully understand the metaphors and symbolism without knowing information behind the story. The United States was just experiencing the Great Depression when the story took place. The man in the relationship is American, and he is facing a personally large issue as well. The woman in the story, Jig, represents everybody that was affected by the economic crash. She has to live with the effect of the mishap more than the man does.
The title in itself plays a huge role in the interpretation of the story. The white elephants represent the looming abortion. While a child is generally a blessing, he can also be a burden if the parents are unable to care for the child. The struggle between the man and the woman is also something to take into consideration. The simple gender roles play an important part in the struggle over the decision. Also, the individuals represent different countries. The man is American, but the couple is now in Spain. Leaving America during such a hard time represents their reluctance to handle a difficult situation.

Thesis: This paper will explore the depths of Hemingway’s story by analyzing the story and the syntax and also by looking at the autobiographical and cultural influences of the time period and era.

Annotated Bibliography

Hills Like White Elephants

"White Elephant." Wikipedia. 2008. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. 7 Apr 2008 .
A white elephant is something that’s effect is not worth the cost. The term derives from the white elephants that were kept by the rulers in Southeastern Asia. If the ruler had a white elephant, it meant that he was ruling his kingdom with justice and peace. The idea comes from the story of Buddha’s birth, when his mother dreamt about a white elephant. Actually having a white elephant was both a joy and a burden. They were sacred creatures. However, they were considered sacred animals. They could not be put to labor, and that is why they were a burden. This helps me understand the story better because I can relate the title to the actual story. I now understand how the characters feel about the unborn child. The reference to the hills that look like white elephants is more relevant in the story now.

Cooper, Michael. "The Writing Style of Hemingway." EzineArticles 12 September 2005. 07 April 2008 <>.
Ernest Hemingway was born in a small town, where he lived for quite some time. This adds to my understanding of the story because he describes in detail only one conversation. He is writing about a circumstance that could occur anywhere and can affect all types of people. In 1937, Hemingway moved to Spain to write for a paper about the Spanish Civil War. The country was not at peace. He saw this firsthand. The history of the area relates to the conflict between the couple. They are in a deep relationship, but they cannot meet eye to eye. Hemingway was not fond of his mother. He is said to have portrayed his female characters in a masculine way because of this. They almost always have to face terrible situations, such as a possible abortion.

Devost, Nadine. "Hemingway's girls: unnaming and renaming Hemingway's female characters ." The Hemingway Review Vol. 14(1994) 07 April 2008 .
It is noticed that Hemingway names his women in order to pinpoint where they stand in the relationship. Most often the actual name is a noun that goes along with modifiers to make clear the woman’s standing. Hemingway will also constantly use ambiguous terms, like girl and woman. He switches back and forth throughout the story to coincide with how the relationship unfolds in the story. This information helps me better understand where Jig stands in the relationship. When she is mentioned as “the girl,” it is understood that at that point she is submissive to the man or she is simply not strong at that point. When her actual name is used, the character is given more importance in her upcoming decision and in the relationship. One definition for a jig is a machine that guides. This idea could be true for the character as well.

David, Henry P.. "Abortion in Europe, 1920-91: A Public Health Perspective." Population Council Vol. 23, No. 1(1992) 1-22. 08 April 2008 .
Abortion is a heavy topic among public health issues. In Europe, where abortions were more predominant in earlier years, whether the surgical procedure was safe was a topic of huge discussion. Russia was the first country to legalize abortion in the 1920’s. They did this to better equalize gender, but they eventually made abortion illegal again in the 1930’s. Soon after, other countries in Europe began legalizing abortion. There were no statistics on Spain’s stance during the 1920’s, which is when the story took place. However, if both the woman and man were American, this would explain why they were in Spain. It would be easier for them to have an abortion performed there.

Kimbell, Max. "All Experts." U.S. History > 1920's Railway Travel. 19 January 2004. 7 Apr 2008 .
During the 1920’s train travel was very luxurious. It was not, however, very expensive. Of course, there were also different options for different prices. Almost everybody, despite social and economic state, relied on trains as transportation. The couple relied on the train for transportation in Spain. This may imply that the couple was of a slightly higher economical standing because trains were a luxury in the 1920’s. It was a somewhat glamorous way of transportation. This helps me understand the story because I can better picture the characters. I have a better understanding of the characters because I know more about them than just a sliver in time.

"Roaring Twenties." Wikipedia. 2008. 7 Apr 2008 .
The Roaring 20’s was a time when everything began to change. Traditions were broken. New ideas were accepted. This episode in history occurred after a major war, World War I. Art, music, clothing, and lifestyles were completely changing. Everybody was having a good time during the “crazy years.” The Great Depression in 1929 ended the fun. It brought people back to reality in a sense. The entire story is a metaphor for the American culture during the 1920’s. There is a time of great fun and passion. However, consequences catch up with everybody. For whatever reason, carelessness or even bad luck, things change for the worse and decisions must be made. The couple had their fun, but now they much face a huge, earth-shattering decision. This period of history also explains why the man is slightly overbearing of the situation. He realizes that a mistake has been made and wants to get things back into order, just like the United States government focused on fixing the mistake.